What is Your Idea of a Happy Life? My Idea of a Happy Life
All of us in the world are in the pursuit of joy and happiness. Unwanted foes like wars, natural calamities, regional conflicts, politics, financial problems, worries, sorrows, poverty, and epidemics make the voyage of human life all the more hazardous. Different people have different ideas of happiness. No two are carbon copies, for some, money or wealth is the chief object of life, some others give importance to physical health, some others are interested in name and fame.
What is Happiness?
It is said that happiness is a state of mind. When our mind is weak, there will be no happiness, the world around us seems to be a problem. The reality is that no one can live happily without a balanced and strong mind. Negative thoughts of worries, sadness, shame, fear, and jealousy destroy our happiness. According to science, the fastest speed of travel is the speed of light. But does anyone ever has checked the speed of thoughts? Thoughts are faster than the speed of light and amazingly, it can travel even to the past and the future.
Positive thoughts originate from virtue and values. Positive thoughts have a magical power to transform our lives into happiness. We can be happy only when there are purity and peace in our minds. Avoid jealousy and envy, have faith in ourselves, and try to feel joyful for others. The face is the index of a person’s mind, if we have good thoughts, we will experience peace and joy within, then there is happiness outside also. If we are disturbed within, the result is, there are pressure and unhappiness outside.
What will I do for Happiness?
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