Well Begun is Half Done

2 min readMay 28, 2021


well begun is half done

Success naturally comes to any enterprise or person who has given much importance to its beginning or foundation. The starting of all things is of great relevance because its future greatly depends upon its beginning or foundation. Sometimes you may think that what is wrong with a weak foundation? Is not a weak foundation better than nothing? No certainly not. A strong foundation or well beginning is half done.

Whatever may be your field; business, agriculture, games, education, the importance of ‘well beginning’ is generally recognized. For example, in games, if the beginning is good it could motivate the entire team to make use of all their talents to reach the top. In team games like cricket, the openers have a great responsibility on their shoulders because their opening is the foundation of that play on which other coming members could build it.

While constructing a building, we all know that the most important part of the building is its foundation. A good architect who knows the importance of beginning applies his greatest attention to the foundation. If the foundation is not right, construction will be almost impossible. If it has a strong foundation, nothing could do against it: for it was founded upon a strong foundation. Therefore, it is very important to cultivate a rock-like foundation and welcome virtues in the long run.

There is a story that a wise man built his house on a strong foundation. It withstood all the storms and opposing situations. Whereas a house built on sand gets easily destroyed because of its weak foundation.

If you are a student, you should have a formidable basis in learning, especially to learn English and Mathematics. Learning these subjects is not an easy process. You have to learn it step by step with a good foundation. It will be easy when pursued regularly, sincerely, and with diligence. Otherwise, how much hard work and struggle you put forth, the result will be minimal.

If the beginning is not good or it is a failure, it may fill the mind with negative thoughts and it may become difficult for us to keep in high spirits. Likewise, if we are trying to overcome our bad habits, in the initial stage it requires a great effort to conquer our temptation.

A candle loses nothing of its light by lighting another candle



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