What an innocent smile! A smile that tells others that a loving and caring person inside. A smile showing his overflowing love for humanity. When great souls were born, they changed the world using their moral rhetoric, unshakable determination, love, and hard work. Mahatma Gandhi was one among them. Who knows not, India gained her freedom under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi?
The freedom of any country is possible or has come to a reality, only by following the footprints of the great or under the guidance of the great. Mahatma Gandhi is often considered as one of the greatest leaders. Most of the great world leaders who have towered high above their fellows have remarkable qualities. Of Mahatma Gandhi it was said, it was his love, self-sacrifice, and truth that won him victories.
Though his full name was Mohandas Karam Chand Gandhi, he was popularly called Mahatma Gandhi, some people lovingly called him ‘Bapu’. Porbander in Gujarat was blessed with the birth of this seeker and devotee of truth. He was born on 2nd October 1869. Being an average student, he was not a topper in his school life and not active in extracurricular activities. After matriculation, he went to England for studying law, on completion, he set up his legal practice in Bombay and after that at Rajkot. By profession, he was a lawyer.
In 1893 he went to South Africa for a legal case and stayed there for nearly 21 years. There he fought against the ‘Apartheid system’, a system that separated people on the basis of skin color. According to this system, there were separate areas for whites and blacks to work and the blacks were forced to live in dark areas. There he developed his most powerful weapons Satyagraha and non-violence. He hated the distinctions among people on the basis of color, caste, and creed. Throughout his life, he worked for the uplift of the Harijans, the poor, the women, etc.
When he returned to India, he settled down at Sabarmati, the main center of his activities. He joined the freedom fight and took up the leadership of it. His call for agitations against the British inspired entire India and thousands of people rose in support of Mahatma Gandhi. Like any other freedom fighter, Mahatma Gandhi also experienced great suffering and underwent many mental and physical struggles. Many times he was sent to prison by the British. To express his opposition to British policies, he often fasted for several days. He was always against injustice and tyranny. His was a non-violent struggle against British policies. He strongly believed that ultimately truth will triumph.
1930 was a remarkable year in the history of Indian Independence. The famous Dandi march was conducted in 1930 under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi. Satyagraha at Champaran in 1917, Bardoli satyagraha in 1928, Quit India movement, non-cooperation movement, etc. are some other important remarkable incidents in the life of Gandhi as well as in the history of India. At last, on August 15, 1947, the rule of the British came to an end and free India’s Tricolor Flag fluttered on the Red Fort.
His autobiography ‘The Story of My Experiments with Truth’ is a great book, a best-seller also. He confesses his mistakes and failings in his autobiography. He was a man of simple living and high thinking. Whatever he has earned in his life was through honest means, he has nothing to hide or does not owe anything to anybody. He sacrificed his life at the altar of human brotherhood and became a martyr when a religious fanatic shot him dead on January 30, 1948.
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