Letters of Sorrow Sympathy and Condolence

3 min readFeb 24, 2021


Letter of condolence to a friend on the death of his mother

Rose Villa

Room No 245


15th December 2020

My dear Manoj

I am deeply shocked to learn the sad news of the death of your mother. How can I forget the kind and loving nature of your mother? She was a nice lady of simple living and good manners. My mother says, she has learned much from her and we all miss her badly.

Really a misfortune has befallen you, I very well understand the depth of your loss. I know that your grief is immense and loss is uncountable, nothing can be the substitute for a mother. I don’t know how to express myself on this fateful occasion. May I pray to God to grant the power to face this situation and peace to the departed soul?

I wish I were with you to share your grief. I can’t describe my heartfelt condolence through words. Let me know if I can do any help to you.

Yours sincerely

Mathew John

Letter of sympathy to a friend who has failed in the NEET Exam

Jawahar Nagar


25th September 2020

Dear Augustine

My parents and I are extremely grieved to hear the sad news of your failure in the NEET examination. You are a brilliant student so I know how much your parents must have been shocked to hear this sad news.

Friend, don’t get disappointed, in your case, it was not unexpected as you remained ill for the last three weeks during the preparations for the entrance examination. Besides, you devoted much of your time to take care of your grandfather who had undergone major surgery. So do not repent over what has happened. Remember failing in an exam is not the end of life. It was your first attempt. Make preparations again to score a high percentage in the coming attempt.

Just remember failure is the stepping stone to success. For your guidance, I may suggest that you should study 6 to 8 hours daily, be familiar with the syllabus, make notes while going through the syllabus, and revise regularly. In addition, to all these maintain a healthy diet and do proper exercise. I am confident that next time you’ll make it.

Wishing you oceans of good luck

Yours affectionately

Ram Mohan

Letter of sympathy to a friend’s family who has suffered a heavy loss in their textile business

Amrutha Housing Colony

House No 543


22nd January 2021

Dear Rajeev

We are very much shocked to hear that your father has suffered a heavy loss in your family textile business as the shop was got damaged by a short circuit fire accident. I don’t know what to say, yet I am so happy that you and your family members are alive and safe.

Really, it was due to your grandfather’s penetrating foresight and your father’s hard work the textile business reached the acme of success in our town. We all appreciate their efforts, pains, and sincerity. At the time of this unforeseen difficulty, I heartily sympathize with you and your family. But still, you should not lose heart. It is only a matter of a few days.

The day will come when all the loss being happened by the fire accident will be made up and your family will again have a flourishing business. Make preparations anew with fresh hope and enthusiasm. Please, also intimate me what can I do to your family, we all are here for you; you’re not alone. My purse and my persons -all have been unlocked to your occasion.

Hoping for a prosperous and bright future

Yours affectionately

Meera Nair

My Idea of a Happy Life- Short Essay




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