Jeevan Quarters
15 November 2020
Dear Mathew
Thanks for your kind letter, I was delighted to go through the contents. Since I had some busy programs, I could not write on the same day. Dear friend, when I read your letters, ‘I hear you talk’. At the same time, I remember the good times that we have shared.
We, my parents, with my neighbor’s family went to see a circus show last Saturday. Don’t you remember the stadium opposite the Church? The circus company pitched its tent in that stadium. My mother had not seen any circus before. My father therefore along with our neighbor’s family made a program to see it. We reached the stadium in our neighbor’s car.
The circus ground which was fully illuminated with tube lights was looking like a fairyland. There were several tea stalls and ice cream sellers who were doing a roaring business. As the circus was attracting there was a great rush in the circus ground. In front of the ticket counter, there was a long queue but we hadn’t any problem, our tickets were already booked. A few clowns were sitting at the entrance making people laugh at their clownish gimmicks.
The show starts sharp at 7.00 pm. First of all, there was a gymnastic performance, followed by an amazing cinematic dance by some beautiful girls. Most of the items were feats. Some of them are, one-wheeled cycling on a steel wire, throwing sharp daggers at a lady, jumping off lions through a huge ring of burning fire, and tricks of a motorcyclist in the ‘well of death’ etc. There was a great mathematician, a little puppy who proved his excellence in addition and subtraction. I was shocked and wondered at the dance performance of elephants, who stood on their hind legs how rhythmically they danced to the tunes played by a musician.
We enjoyed every item. I wish, you were with me at that time and shared the joy and pleasure with me. Convey my best regards to your parents and love to your sister.
Yours lovingly
Anto Antony
2 Letter to a friend describing your lockdown experiences
Nirmala Bhavan
20 November 2020
Dear George
Your letter of this 15th brought to my mind back the sweet memories of our school days. COVID-19 and lockdowns are an unexpected experience and a challenging period for all of us. I’d like to share how I have been spending my time during this lockdown period. It has been 8 months since I have gone out shopping or dining. Since the announcement of the lockdown, most of the exams have been canceled including ours. Some people have the opinion that the lockdown period is boring, I am just the opposite of it, I think it depends on how we spend our time.
My father and mother are working from home now so I am getting more time to spend with my family. I have also been using this time to catch up with TV shows and to read some interesting comic books. I have stitched reusable face masks for my family and neighbors with my uncle’s help. Another good thing is that the lockdown allowed me to spend more time in my vegetable garden.
In our school, online classes started on June 1st and went on smoothly. Online learning is a blessing in these times. Sometimes I take the role of a teacher for my younger brother, helping him with online classes and pre-recorded video sessions. These lockdown days transformed me from a boy to a teacher. In today’s changed scenario, I may live a day without food but not a single day without a phone.
How about you? Are there any hobbies you have started during these times? Any new interests or fun activities you did? I am waiting to hear about your experiences and happy moments. Convey my best regards to your parents and grandparents. Hoping to see you soon. Stay home stay safe.
Yours lovingly
John Joseph
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