Different individuals may have varying responses when asked about the concept of happiness. This is because what brings joy to one person may not bring the same level of happiness to another individual. If we claim to be happy, shouldn’t our state of mind reflect that happiness? Our minds should be at ease and free from any stress or anxiety. The happiness and peace of the mind should be evident in our countenance and behavior. For our minds to experience happiness, we need to attain both peace and contentment. When inquiring about someone’s source of happiness, the initial response is often centered around financial stability. Some individuals argue that wealth is the key to attaining happiness. This is the prevailing perception of happiness. However, the response we receive will astonish us when we inquire about the happiness of an individual who possesses substantial wealth. Many individuals admit that they are unfamiliar with the true essence of peace and happiness. Their only desire is to have a peaceful sleep. Rich individuals, in addition to their substantial wealth and financial holdings, encounter a multitude of challenges. These may include health issues, feelings of isolation, unruly offspring, allegations, and various other predicaments. So, it is evident that money does not serve as the foundation or benchmark for happiness. Numerous individuals possessing substantial wealth forsake their possessions and embark on a quest for tranquility and contentment. If so, what is the fundamental element of happiness? Is it prestige and dominance? Certainly not. Every day we see many people in high positions suffering from excessive tension and distress. Then status and power are not the basis of happiness. Can you buy this happiness and peace from anywhere? That is also not possible. Why? Because happiness is not something readymade. It comes from your actions.
What exactly constitutes happiness? Where does happiness originate from? How can we define happiness? Happiness can be obtained from a multitude of sources. For some, it may come from material possessions such as wealth or power. However, for others, it may be as simple as indulging in their favorite foods. However, happiness can be defined as an enduring state of mind characterized by the absence of sadness and tension, but the presence of contentment, joy, and peacefulness, as well as a sense that life is meaningful and worthwhile. Numerous opinions arise when contemplating the factors that contribute to happiness. Some researchers say that happiness is due to genetic and hereditary factors. However, some argue that various environmental factors play a role in contributing to one’s happiness. These factors may include a high income, level of education, position of power, a fulfilling job, spacious residence, overseas employment, and recognition within society. All these are true but in reality, happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your actions.
A very famous psychologist once said that if one can sleep easily without any tension then it is a sign of a peaceful and happy person. It is not about those who are drunk and sleep unconscious. Happiness and a good night’s sleep are inextricably linked. We know that happiness is not something readymade. Now you have to understand that happiness comes from your actions. What makes you happy? Is happiness the same for everyone? From where can we get this happiness? How can I be happy? Can I find true happiness? How can I enjoy life? Let us try to find answers to these questions. We must seek our happiness as it is our responsibility to find it. A happy life is everyone’s dream. A happy life is something that we all want. Is there anyone who desires neither happiness nor peace in their life? The pursuit of happiness and peace is the most common response when asked about the purpose of our existence. However, in the present era, there is a growing uncertainty regarding the presence of happiness. What are the factors that contribute to happiness? And how can one attain happiness in life? Let us explore the means to alleviate sadness and sorrow, and cultivate a joyful existence.
Happiness is not something that can be bought from the market
How to find happiness in life? Is it that easy? Aren’t there some questions that arise in your mind now? One thing people often say is that they cannot find happiness in life. Frequently, individuals are constantly occupied with managing their finances, careers, households, businesses, and education, often neglecting their happiness. Here are some things we need to remember. First of all, happiness is something that we have to create ourselves. It is not something that can be bought from the market by paying money. Secondly, what we need to understand is that whether we are sad or happy, we are the ones responsible for it. The source of our sadness lies within ourselves, while the reason for our happiness is also within us. In short, our happiness and our sorrow are the result of our actions. Our sorrow is not caused by anyone else. No one else decides the happiness and sadness of our lives. Isn’t the feeling of happiness what motivates most of us to live? Is there anyone who does not want happiness and peace? It can be said that there is no one. Some are waiting with hope for such a peaceful and happy life. Many of us go forward dreaming of a happy and peaceful life, but we don’t have to wait for happiness, we have to find happiness. Making a few small changes in our thoughts and habits can make life happier for everyone. A small change in perspective can certainly make happiness possible for everyone.
Why are so many people unhappy?
Upon observing certain individuals, one may perceive that their existence is dedicated to the service of others. They have no time to be happy. They are in a race to make ends meet. This is the reality for most people. However, not everyone is the same. Some individuals manage to find happiness even amid this race. What is the key to their happiness? How is it even possible? Are you pondering over these questions right now? The truth is that happiness is a state of mind that is achieved through one’s actions. Happiness comes from your actions. If we look at the society around us, many people are living without happiness. They have education, jobs, wealth, and big houses, but no peace and happiness. yet it becomes evident that genuine peace and happiness do not come from these materialistic things.
Insights from Medical Science on the Subject of Happiness
Now, let us explore the insights provided by medical science regarding happiness. The exploration of this topic has commenced several years ago, with numerous studies and discussions conducted. What exactly does the science of happiness entail? What is its psychological aspect? What forms the foundation of happiness? To gain a comprehensive understanding of these inquiries, it is crucial to attentively grasp the perspectives of individuals who have acquired knowledge in this field. Primarily, let us examine how happiness is attained by each individual. Some individuals assert that possessing wealth leads to happiness. Undoubtedly, money is a necessity. However, it is important to note that many affluent individuals experience sadness due to various reasons. So, it is evident that happiness does not stem from financial wealth, as there are numerous individuals living contentedly amidst their lack of monetary resources. Some people are obsessed with power. Some people find happiness when they drink alcohol, while others find happiness when they eat their favorite food. Thus, many people get happiness in many ways. A good family, children, a good job, status in society, a big house, and leisure trips are all things that bring happiness to anyone. However, what is truly intriguing is that the joy derived from all these sources accounts for only a mere 25% of the happiness we ought to experience, as indicated by meticulous research conducted on the subject. The remaining three-quarters of happiness lies elsewhere beyond these external factors. It is crucial to comprehend the importance of that significant portion of happiness, which accounts for three-quarters, to attain genuine happiness in life.
The state of our happiness is influenced by specific chemical reactions occurring within our bodies. It is imperative to comprehend the hormones accountable for these reactions, discover methods to enhance their production, and maintain a harmonious equilibrium among them. Everyone possesses these hormones and neurotransmitters. However, it is the variations in their levels and the disparities in their equilibrium that lead to the fluctuations in our happiness. Our happiness is contingent upon the harmonious interplay of joyful hormones within our physiological system. Endorphins, dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin are the main happy hormones that help promote happiness and pleasure. Endorphins are the primary happy hormones responsible for promoting happiness and pleasure in our body. When discussing the happy hormones, it is essential to begin with endorphins.
Endorphins must be generated within our bodies. For this to occur, we must personally take the initiative to produce or enhance their production. The most important thing to do is work or exercise. Haven’t you seen those who are going to run and walk in the morning? Their happiness can be seen on their faces. The reason for that is the increase in the production of endorphins, the happy hormone. Apart from exercise, laughing and going for picnics and excursions also increase the production of endorphins. Likewise, before going to sleep each day, if we have a feeling that we have completed all the tasks for the day, our endorphin levels will increase. But if you go to bed with the feeling that you didn’t do anything today, the production of endorphins will decrease. Similarly, playing games, whether indoor or outdoor, increases the production of endorphins.
Dopamine is another hormone that plays a significant role in promoting happiness. As the production of dopamine increases, happiness levels automatically rise. Let us examine the process of dopamine production. Numerous factors contribute to the elevation of dopamine levels. Naturally, dopamine levels rise when we receive approval or when we express approval toward others. When one receives recognition and compliments, dopamine levels increase for both the receiver and the giver. Similarly, when children get new things, such as new clothes and toys, happiness arises because of the increase in dopamine levels.
To boost dopamine levels, allocate ten minutes daily to sit in solitude, free from any interruptions. It’s essential to find a personal time slot during which we can engage in activities that bring us joy. Similarly, it is important to smile when encountering others. The act of smiling can elevate dopamine levels. Another thing is that we should not compare our lives with others. We must refrain from comparing our lives to those of others. Do not feel disheartened by the luxuries enjoyed by others, and refrain from comparing yourself to them. Another important thing is that it is essential to maintain a mindset focused on progress and success. A thought that I am on the way to the top, financially, socially, and in every way, increases the production of dopamine.
Serotonin is the third happy hormone. The production of serotonin is greatest when there is a helping mentality. Whenever there is a charity mentality, the production of serotonin increases. Have you ever witnessed the happiness that fills their eyes when we offer our seat to an elderly person on the bus or provide food to a hungry beggar? The reason why their happiness reflects on our faces is because of the production of Serotonin. A single grateful look from them is enough to make us happy for the whole day. We should always have a mind to help others. Thinking about how others perceive us can hurt our serotonin levels and overall happiness. It is important to remember that we should not concern ourselves with what others think of us. It is none of our business to worry about their opinions.
Oxytocin is the fourth important happiness hormone. Oxytocin production is mostly associated with touch and embrace. Oxytocin, a hormone, is released when individuals engage in hugging and patting. I mean, have you noticed the happiness that little children get when they are hugged? The production of oxytocin is responsible for the sensation of happiness that children experience when they receive pats, touches, and congratulations. Oxytocin is a hormone associated with social interaction. Do we give comfort to those who are grieving the death of their loved ones by giving a lecture while visiting the funeral home? We never do that. We offer support by holding their hands or gently patting their back. Isn’t that what we do? It provides them with a significant sense of relief. The production of this hormone increases when you show affection to another person through a handshake or a warm embrace.
Simple ways to find happiness in life
Now it is clear that it is not hard to find happiness and everyone can develop a positive mindset that will help them find and enjoy happiness. Our happiness resides in how we look at life. Happiness is not something ready-made. We are going to understand that it comes from your actions. If happiness is the result of one’s actions, then let us see what are the simple ways to find happiness in life easily. There are many ways to do it. Try to understand the following things and apply them in your life. You can feel the ripples of happiness lighting up your life.
Happiness and sadness are part of everyone’s life
There is one thing that should be understood first. Every day is not the same for anyone born in this world. Everyday happiness or everyday sorrow will never happen in one’s life. Happiness and sadness are part of our life. There is no such thing as a good day or a bad day. Some days may seem good to us and some days may seem bad. Just because some days are bad does not mean that the whole life is bad. We must understand and realize the truth that everyone will go through good days and bad days and it is a natural law. Happiness, sadness, good days, and bad days will come and go in our lives. We must always keep in mind the realization that bad events, sad situations, and bad days are not the end of anything. Don’t hate life thinking that something bad happened in your life today, a good time will surely come, just wait.
Understand that human life is a mixture of happiness and sorrow, these two will alternate in life. Accept life as it unfolds. We are challenged to live life as it comes. Our day-to-day experiences whether it is good or bad are the raw material with which we weave the carpet of our lives. The simpler the design, the more beautiful it becomes. Do you know what is wrong with us common people? We always keep only the painful memories with us. But haven’t there been many joys in our lives? If you think about it, there is indeed. But many people are not ready to remember and keep in mind the moments that made us happy. If you want to find happiness, change this habit. Always cherish the good memories and try to forget the sad events. Bring to your mind those good moments that made you happy and smile. Try to focus on happy memories when you are sad.
Be patient
The following may seem a bit difficult for some people. But there is no problem, just wait for the good time and wait patiently. Haven’t you heard that there is a time for everything? There is indeed a time for everything in life. Things will happen at that time. Sometimes you will have to wait a little bit. You have to wait patiently. No need to rush. Also, think about it over and over before doing anything. Even if today is bad, there should always be an optimistic belief that tomorrow will be a good day. Be patient even if everything seems to be happening against your will. A psychologist once said. Imagine that you have come to a situation where you cannot live any longer. Whatever the problem may be, it may be a financial burden, disappointment in love, cheating, or loneliness. That is, think that you are in a situation where there is no other option but suicide. Within this one month, there will be a solution to your problem. He talked about the importance of waiting. Having a mind to wait patiently is essential to finding happiness. There is no doubt that the sun of happiness will rise in our sky just as the rain clouds are removed and the sun shines. When we talk about patience, we must also talk about endurance. Some individuals can become upset over the smallest of things, while others remain unaffected regardless of the circumstances. It is easy for them to find happiness. For the second group, it is easy to find happiness. Only one thing to say to those who worry about small things, it will destroy your mental health and physical health.
How many people do we meet every day? There may be people who are familiar with us and those who are not. Look at their faces and smile or laugh. Not only do we not lose anything by laughing, but there are many benefits. Laugh at movies, laugh at comedy shows, laugh at jokes, let’s not waste any opportunity to laugh. Do you know what happens in our body when we laugh? When we laugh, our brain releases a hormone called dopamine, which makes us feel happy. Another thing is that when we laugh, our facial muscles relax and automatically stimulate our brain.
Do exercise
Set aside some time every morning for proper exercise. Exercising daily can help improve your health, lower cholesterol, and release endorphins in the brain, which are hormones that keep us happy. It refreshes our minds and makes us happy. It is good to walk for ten minutes even after the night meal. Walking in such a relaxed way cools our minds, washes away the stress and tension of the day, and makes for a good night’s sleep. Sports like football and volleyball, which require a lot of physical effort, are also very enjoyable for those who play them. The reason for that is the increase in the production of endorphins, the happy hormones.
Have a good sleep
Another important thing is sleep. Our calmness, peace, and happiness are related to sleep. If you can sleep well, both your mind and body will be relaxed. If there is no happiness and peace, you cannot sleep, and if you do not sleep well, you cannot be happy. Sleeping well helps reduce inflammation in our body and brain to some extent. It is good to have a specific time for sleeping. It is also good to always go to bed at the same time and wake up at the same time. At least one hour before going to sleep, calm your mind, don’t remember disturbing things, and also set your bedroom. The bedroom is not like any other room. It is our private space. The atmosphere of the bedroom is related to our happiness. Make sure that there is no unnecessary light or noise in the bedroom.
Enjoy the food
Enjoying your favorite food items will make your mind happy. Sweet foods are the key to happiness. We often distribute sweets as a part of happiness and celebrations. Sweet foods help produce happy hormones like serotonin in our brains. Sometimes you think that eating sweet food is not good for your body. Here the quantity and manner of eating is important. Ice cream, stew, and other sweet things should not be eaten until the stomach is full. And now you are thinking about how you have to eat ice cream to be happy. Put a little, i.e. a spoonful of ice cream on your tongue and enjoy its taste and sweetness slowly. A single spoonful of ice cream will make you happy. A single spoonful of ice cream will release more happy hormones in our brains. Not only sweets but also some fish, eggs, white meat, nuts, etc. release happy hormones and as a result, we feel refreshed.
Get rid of anxiety
Don’t worry about anything. The endless series of anxieties wears down a person physically and mentally. Those who are always worried about something cannot experience happiness. It has been found that 30% of our worries will never come to fruition, while 30% of them have already occurred. Another 15% of our worries are unnecessary, and the remaining 15% are for trivial matters such as what to wear or cook. Only 10% of our worries come true, and half of those are beyond our control, such as natural disasters. The other half can be dealt with wisely. Therefore, why should we burden our health and happiness for such a small percentage of what could happen? Jumping from one anxiety to another can lead to a buildup of negative thoughts in the mind, resulting in headaches, sleep disorders, stress, and depression. To rid yourself of this monster called ‘anxiety’, try the following: embrace uncertainty, avoid worrying about the past or future, and focus on enjoying the present. Instead of anticipating problems, face them head-on and make wise decisions. When worrisome thoughts arise, command your brain to send them a ‘stop’ signal and replace them with positive thoughts. Stay optimistic and always look for the bright side of things.
Be positive
If we can find the hidden goodness in anything or anyone, we will have happiness by itself. To be a little more specific, discovering the concealed positivity in various aspects of life can lead to a state of pure happiness. In short, always be positive. Sometimes we have to hear accusations even if we are 100% right in some matters. Such situations should be faced with equanimity or change in perspective. This is possible only if you have a positive attitude. Humans cannot always move forward with happiness, cheerfulness, and a positive attitude. We all know that. Of course, we all have disappointments, sorrows, depression, and boredom. Don’t worry about these again and again. Understand that these things are natural in human life. Believe that this applies to all human beings. This belief will make us happy or at least comfort us in times of trouble. Likewise, set aside some time in the day to do things we enjoy. A ten minutes exclusively for ourselves. At that moment, simply embrace idleness without pondering over anything. Alternatively, we can engage in activities that bring us joy. This too is a delightful experience. A brief moment exclusively for ourselves will be a great idea. Let’s set aside this time to do things we like.
Say thank you
The next thing you need to do to make your happiness come from your actions is to give thanks. Now you are wondering who to thank. Every day in our lives many people come in contact with us and help us. Thank them with your heart and tongue. You may be wondering who to thank. To your mother who cooks and serves you food, to your sister who helps you study, to the maid who washes your clothes, to your wife who helps you in everything, to your father who fulfills all your needs. So, remember that there is a long line of people in our life that we need to thank every day. Sometimes we think that is it not the mother’s duty to cook and serve. If the maid is working, is she not paid for it? This is how we think. But the sincerity in what they do is not obtained by money or salary. The positive things we achieve every day are the result of what they do for us. Realize that our diet, our work, and our life are a result of the collective efforts of many. Then it is necessary to show gratitude to them. The joy and happiness on their faces when they hear that will give us joy and satisfaction.
Never miss an opportunity to compliment someone. Appreciate others from the heart. It may be our spouse, our children, our neighbor’s baby, or our subordinate. No matter how small, praise them for their successes. Look them in the eye and appreciate them. When we look into their eyes and appreciate them, our inner feelings are automatically transferred to them. This will give them great energy and happiness. When we try to make them happy, we automatically become cool. That is, the happiness they get will make us happy too. That is the miracle of appreciation. Don’t you understand now that happiness comes from your actions?
Breathing exercise
This exercise will reduce our tension and bring happiness. This is something that everyone knows, but the truth is that many people do not do it. Breathing exercise is an exercise that we should do when the mind is under a lot of tension. Let’s see how to do this exercise. First, close your eyes and sit quietly. Now inhale through the nose as much as you can. Now hold this breath for as long as you can, that is, for seven to eight seconds. After holding this for some time, slowly exhale through the nose. Do this exercise continuously. Its feature is that you can do this exercise anytime. You can do it when you are too tense, you can do it while you are working, you can do it before you eat, you can do it before you sleep and you can do it anytime. Making breathing exercises a habit can go a long way in spreading happiness.
Don’t compare
Another thing we need to pay attention to find happiness is to avoid comparison. We always try to compare our lives with others. Remember that none of us are perfect and none of us are equal. Not all of us have the same skills. Never compare with our neighbors, relatives, or neighbors. Comparing oneself to others based on material possessions such as a big house or wealth, or even questioning why my children are different, should never be entertained. There is no point in comparing like this and there are many disadvantages also. We lose our joy and peace, and our discontent spreads to those around us. If we think that we don’t have what they have, I am a failure, why have all these things happened to us, then negative energy surrounds us and as a result, we cannot do anything cheerfully and positively. Therefore, if you want to live happily, comparison is something that should be avoided. We should try to find satisfaction in what we have. It’s good to dream about the future but don’t underestimate the value of what you have now.
Don’t worry about the mistakes
Don’t worry about the mistakes you’ve made. The next step to being happy is to stop worrying about the mistakes you’ve made. Every individual is prone to making mistakes. Mistakes are a common occurrence for every person. Is there anyone who never makes any errors? To err is human. Mistakes are just one of many basic human characteristics. Some people can correct mistakes after many mistakes. Realizing the mistakes made and trying to get rid of them will bring happiness. Getting motivated to move from wrong to right is a significant accomplishment. Sometimes it is only after making many mistakes that you can get right. There is no point in being sad about the mistakes that have happened. Find out where you went wrong and correct it. Then move to the right. Then we will experience unparalleled peace of mind and happiness. See mistakes as stepping stones to the right. Try not to repeat the mistakes you have made and don’t cry over the mistakes you have made.
Spend time with friends
Another thing to do is to spend as much time as possible with your friends to make your mind happy, joyful, and at peace. Making friends with more people will surely make us happy. Friendships help us in many difficult situations. Sharing thoughts and feelings with a friend can help alleviate the heaviness of life. By doing this, the tension in the mind will be reduced a little and you will feel a sense of calmness. Life can be so much easier when you have someone to chat with. The support given to us by such people in crisis can be a great relief. Moreover, talking about problems with each other will bring people closer together. Good friends are always an asset to our life. Spending time with friends and sharing ideas with them can make us very happy. No matter what age you are, if you can spend a little time with friends every day, you can open your mind and experience a release of tension and a feeling of joy. Share your problems and difficulties with your friends. Realize that even if they can’t help you sometimes, it’s comforting to know that someone is there to listen. Therefore, try to maintain good friendships.
Reduce the use of mobile phone
Mobile phones, which have many advantages have become a villain today. It is no exaggeration to say that, our mobile phone is the first thing we see in the morning and the last thing we see before going to bed. The mobile phone has a lot of influence on our lives. If in the past, the phone was only used to call distant people and to know the details, today it has become an essential item in all areas of our life. Our life is moving forward through mobile phones. Studies show that the more time we focus on our mobile phones, the more stressed we become, and the more harmful stress hormones are produced in our brains. So, minimize the use of mobile phones. Put away your phone at least an hour before bed and spend time with your family. If you are studying or working, focus on it. Don’t look at your mobile phone from time to time and don’t pay attention to unnecessary things. No doubt trying to know unnecessary things can reduce our peace of mind and happiness. So, reduce the use of mobile phones as much as possible.
Final thoughts
Realize that being happy or our happiness is not a matter for others but for us. Because a good percentage of people enjoy the sorrows of others. Therefore, it is foolish to think that any of them will do anything to make us happy. Our happiness is our sole responsibility. For those who have tension and worry in their mind, try these things to fill your mind with happiness and peace of mind. These are ways to always find happiness without spending any money. I think now everyone understands what is the secret behind happiness. Now apply these in your life. Happiness is not something readymade. It comes from your actions. A slight alteration in our thoughts and behaviors has the potential to bring about greater happiness for all individuals. A shift in perspective, no matter how small, can undoubtedly pave the way for happiness to be attainable by everyone. Every person possesses an eternal wellspring of joy deep within themselves. However, if one fails to establish a connection with this inner source, one will be unable to fully experience its advantages. Be thankful for the grace and blessings you already have.
Reference: Google
Image: Canva.com
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Originally published at https://loveliessays.com on December 3, 2023.