Empty vessels make the most sound

2 min readDec 31, 2020


When we tap on a vessel that contains something, it produces sound. When we tap on an empty vessel, it definitely produces sound and it will be comparatively higher than the first one. Who knows not, no need to look into a vessel to know whether it contains anything or is it empty. We can easily understand from the sound it produces when tapped.

Some of our people are also like this. They have a belief that they are born to speak only. When glorifying their own achievements, they think that what they achieved is all one ought to achieve. Their boasting often tends to disregard the sentiments of listeners and the listeners will flee from their presence. They repeat the blunders, blow their own trumpet, and often create a negative impact on others. The attitude they have toward others is only contempt. The result is, they rarely succeed in making a good impact on others. We can compare these empty-headed men to empty vessels. Their ornament is pride.

On the other hand, a learned one is always humble because he knows what knowledge he learned is nothing when compared to what he doesn’t know. He speaks carefully and thoughtfully, he is really great and his actions speak louder than words. Don’t you see some trees bearing full of fruits have fewer leaves? Wise men are like this. These people are those who have a rich brain. They are like vessels that contain something. These people are decorated with honesty, love, kindness, hard work, forgiveness, cooperation, and respect for others.

In our day-to-day life, we met people boasting of their own talents and achievements. Keep a little distance from them. We have a lot of energy provided by our mother nature. Do not waste it in foolish talks. Be a doer to become successful in your life.

All that glitters is not gold — -Proverb




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