As you sow so shall you reap
It is your behavior and your attitude that decides what is going to happen in your life. In other words, how you treat others, likewise you will be treated. You shall harvest what you sow, good or bad. All happenings in your life are the consequences of your good or bad actions.
We can compare our life to the mirror. When we look at a mirror, we see our face in it. If we look with a smile, the mirror will reflect the same. On the other hand, if we look at it with a sad face, it also will surely look sad to us. what we see in it is just the resemblance of our face and what is reflected on our face is the reflection of our mind.
When you sow something, you are destined to reap the same. If we have sowed rice, we will reap only rice, not wheat. In other words, if, we sow good, we can reap good, if we sow bad we must reap bad. Sometimes, if we do good but don’t yield good results immediately, don’t cry, certainly, you can expect goodness, happiness, and peace in the future.
If we get only sufferings, indignity, and neglect from others it is because usually, we give them sufferings only. Tomorrow or in the coming future, your actions do return to you. That is the law of nature. We can’t escape from it. If you are a student study honestly, if you are a worker do your work sincerely. No doubt goodness will always bear goodness and badness will result in badness.
Many a time we hear people complain that no one loves them, no one respects them, and there is no peace in life. If you want to be loved by others, first of all, you should learn to love others. If you want to get respect, learn to respect others. peace is a very rare commodity these days. Wherever there is peace there is happiness also. If we give happiness to the world, our stock balance of happiness never decreases but increases.
But what we generally observe is quite different. People want more love, and more respect in family life, professional life, social and public life. But we are not willing to give love and respect to others. what we don’t get from others is usually what we don’t give them. Then what is the use of saying that others do not love me, and do not respect me? It is a useless thing to cry and complain about not getting something.
Do not expect others to love and respect you first. Let your love and respect to others who are around you or going to be with you. You should first love and respect and then you are going to get love and respect. In short, we don’t have the right to demand from others what we haven’t given them.
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