Are the Farm Laws Aimed at Farmers?
Farm Laws: To Strengthen or Weaken Farmers?
2020 will be remembered for its struggle against farm laws. All three laws that hurt farmers and were meant to guarantee corporate monopolies in the agriculture sector were withdrawn by the government. In the last few days left to complete one year, the Center is on its knees before the farmer’s struggle on the Delhi border. These are the three agricultural laws that are supposed to benefit farmers but actually hurt them. Farmer’s Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Act 2020, Farmers’ (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement on Price Assurance and Farm Services Act 2020, Essential Commodities Amendment Act 2020. Through a single bill, the Cabinet decided to repeal these rules. As far as independent India was concerned, the farmer’s struggle was the biggest agitation in its history. Despite state repression, they continued their struggle fervently. Here is the new hope for the future. The expectations of the food providers in the country. The farmers had decided that they were not willing to back down even if they were beaten or killed, the government had no other choice but to announce it would withdraw the farm laws.
Here are the Three Farm Laws
Farmer’s Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Act 2020, Farmers’ (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement on Price Assurance and Farm Services Act 2020, Essential Commodities Amendment Act 2020.
1 Agricultural Products Trade and Commerce Promotion Act
A law that allows the sale of agricultural goods outside the control of government agencies. This was to ensure higher prices for farmers, according to the government. Farmers’ group argued that such a move would pave the way to the end of government-controlled markets and the establishment of corporate monopolies. Although farmers initially receive relatively higher prices from private companies, they will eventually be forced to sell their crops for pennies when the market collapses.
2 Law to Protect and Empower Farmers through Price Assurance and Agricultural Services.
The legalization of contract farming will take place. During the planting process, farmers have the option of entering into contracts with private companies. This means that the crops must be sold to these companies. However, the law does not stipulate a minimum support price. Consequently, small and medium farmers are at risk of exploitation by corporates through contract farming.
3 Essential Commodities Amendment Act
Including edible oils, onions, and potatoes, the private sector is granted permission for unrestricted storage and shipment of essential commodities. By implementing the Essential Commodities Amendment Act and the other two legislations, the agriculture and food industries will be handed over to corporates.
This is the Victory of Unity
The farmers used a method of strike that surprised the government. The police blocked the Delhi Chalo March at the Singhu border on November 26 last year, thousands of farmers went on indefinite strike there. Tents were pitched miles away. Facilitated the provision of basic necessities. Within days, another strike center was opened in Tikri. Worker and farmer solidarity was also strengthened by the agitation against the agrarian law. As a result of the collective leadership of workers and peasants, the struggle could transform from an individual struggle of the peasants into a mass mobilization of all sections of the masses. Farmers were aided by workers and traders. Atta, oil, peas, milk, and ghee came from the villages to make the food. Several feeding centers have opened. The protest centers actively prepared for the extreme cold and intense heat with slogans, songs, dances, and sports competitions.
Memories of Farmers Who Lost their Lives
As a consequence of the removal of controversial agrarian laws, farmers not only won their struggle but also lost their lives. The lives of hundreds of farmers have also been lost. In this long-running uprising, many farmers lost their lives due to aging, heart attacks, car accidents, suicide, and severe cold. It is a pity that a car crash has claimed the lives of some. The majority of the dead were small and medium farmers. Every day, the peasants intensified their fight by rejoicing in the vivid memories of those who lost their lives. Once again, history has shown that organized struggles have no strongholds. There was no way the ruling class could withstand the determination of the farmers and workers. India’s farmers have added a new chapter to its history. With this historic victory, the prediction that the peasant struggle would fail and that the peasant movement was on the verge of collapse was dispelled. Hundreds of lives were sacrificed and millions of farmers were sacrificed to achieve this success. There were more than 700 farmers martyred.
This would have happened if the agricultural laws had been enforced.
· There will be an end to government-controlled agricultural marketing centers.
· Corporates will be able to access the agricultural produce market without restrictions under this law.
· This will lead to hoarding and black market activities.
· It will lead to inflation and artificial scarcity.
· The law promotes contract farming.
· Therefore, even in case of a dispute, the poorest farmers are left to fend for themselves without any form of legal recourse.
· In summary, corporates reap huge profits at the expense of farmers and farm workers.
Struggled Until Victory
In the end, the victory belongs to the farmers. Ultimately, the farmers are the winners. Farmers have raised a second demand, besides repealing the controversial laws, they want a law that ensures that they receive minimum support prices. The farmer’s agitation in India has proven that the agrarian and labor movements in India are strong enough to resist and defeat corporate exploitation. There is no doubt that peasant struggles will boost the agitation of various sections seeking to protect their livelihoods.
Strengthened the Unity Between Workers and Farmers.
The Samyukt Kisan Morcha started the agitation one year ago, making it the largest popular movement in recent years in India. Farmers went on strike realizing that struggle was the most effective weapon and not suicide. Farmers began uniting in 2014 to protest the Land Acquisition Ordinance introduced by the government. Three years ago, the All India Kisan Sabha led a Long March in Maharashtra which energized the farmers. Agrarian law agitation strengthened the unity between workers and farmers.
The Protests Have Reached an Unprecedented Level of Intensity.
They suffer a lot in the bitter cold, heavy rain, and hot summer. However, it did not dampen their fighting spirit. It is also a remarkable achievement that unity has been formed among the various working peoples. Despite oppression and adversity, the peasants stood up to injustice and won the hearts of many. continue reading