We can light a number of candles from a single lighting candle, when doing so, it loses nothing but remains the same as ever before. If a man possesses a lot of knowledge but not willing to share it with others, what is the use of it? Our greatness lies not in what we have, but it’s in what we share with others. If knowledge is the hallmark of a gentleman, sharing it with others makes him an integral part of society and he will be better known to others. For that, he must have a big mind and it is the cornerstone on which everything is built.
No work is small or big in itself, whatever may be your profession, spend a few hours to serve the poor, the suffering, and the needy. What is in our hand, maybe, love, knowledge, kindness, why not share it with others with pleasure? You lose practically nothing but contributes considerably to the spreading of your potential.
Discovering our potential and flourishing it with knowledge and then sharing it with the coming generations reveal our uniqueness. That is the difference between man and animal. All the progress humans have achieved in life is the result of discoveries and inventions made by great men in the past. The various developments we come across in this world were not made overnight or at one stroke. They were the efforts of people who lived in the past.
A candle does not lose its light when lighting another candle, likewise, if you share your knowledge with others your stock balance of knowledge never decreases but increases. Not only knowledge, but you can also share, love, and kindness with your dear and near. Every small effort in sharing is a great thing or a great beginning and through such beginnings, further, development has happened. Our life would have been happier if we share our knowledge with others with happiness and joy. Every attempt that you took in the transmission of knowledge adds to your own knowledge. You have satisfaction and you are never short of knowledge. At this level, your work is really worship.
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My Idea of a Happy Life