A Bad Workman Blames His Tools

2 min readMay 28, 2021


It is very difficult to find an excellent and accurate human being here in this world. Not very difficult, but almost impossible because one way or another everyone has some limitations or a trait of weakness in their character. Here arises a question, then how do some people become successful in their life. The question is reasonable. If you met a successful person in life, it is not because he doesn’t do anything wrong but he learns from mistakes and tries not to repeat them anymore. How many of you have noticed the work of a blacksmith? In order to make tools, he keeps the iron piece on fire till it turns hot red. After that, he blows hard on it with a hammer so that it is shaped accordingly.

He has to blow the iron piece when it is hot. If the iron becomes cold, there is no use in striking on it. If it does not change into the shape he desires, it is neither the fault of the hammer nor the iron piece. If things go wrong, we blame the tool. Why we blame others? We have a tendency to attribute all our faults and failures to the circumstances or the people associated with us. Many of us are well in playing the ‘blame game’ and pointing our fingers at others or circumstances. By playing this game we are making someone else take responsibility for our fault. Actually, we are avoiding some truth about ours and escaping from reality.

If you are a student, study well, don’t postpone. Otherwise, finally, it becomes your trait and you fail miserably in the examination. You become invalid, only misery and regrets are waiting. No need to blame your teachers or question papers. Since all these are true, here we have to answer the questions, what to do? How to overcome these problems? We must do things at the right time. We have to keep the motto, Do it now and follow it. Though it is easy to place the blame on someone or something, we have to courageously take up the responsibility of our own actions, to break the chain of long failures.

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